Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4th Assignment -- Sports Aphorisms

Aphorism Assignment
Sports aphorisms are used to inspire, intimidate, and remind athletes of certain expectations.

1. tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage.
2. A brief statement of a principle.

For this assignment, find a sports aphorism and list it here on this webpage by commenting below. Be sure to include the aphorism itself, the author, and the context in which it was stated.
You cannot use the same aphorism as someone else.

This assignment is worth 10 points. Be sure to bring the aphorism with you to class tomorrow.

"It ain't braggin' if you can back it up!"
Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Dizzy Dean, 1930-1941

Dean used this quote many times throughout his career to justify his trash talk, which he was famous for. During the 1934 season, Dean went 30-7 with the St. Louis Cardinals and led the league in shutouts, wins, and complete games. The next 30-game winner did not come until 1968. He was a four time 20-game winner throughout his career en route to his Hall of Fame induction in 1953.


  1. Football isn't a matter of life or death; it's much more important than that.--Bill Shankly (1913--1981), U.S. football manager

    Bill Shankly is trying to stress here how important football is to him.

  2. "You don't play against opponents, you play against the game of basketball." - Bob Knight, head coach at Army, Indiana, and Texas Tech.

    In this quote, Knight was trying to explain that it is much easier to be beat by the game and yourself, than the opposing team. He is basicallly saying your biggest enemy can be what you make of the game, both mentally and physically.

  3. Golf and sex are the only things you can enjoy without being good at them.--Jimmy Demaret (1910--), U.S. golfer

    Demaret is talking about how he loves the game of golf, because you don't have to be good at it to enjoy it. You'll have a good time no matter what your score is. Demaret was a proffesional golfer, winning 31 PGA Tour events, and also won 3 Masters becoming the first golfer in history to win 3. His career was from 1935-1957.

  4. "You are only as good as your last game" - Brett Favre

    Brett told this to his nephew a couple years ago after his nephew asked him if he was retiring. Brett then told him he wants to go out a winner when he retires.

  5. "The riches of the game are the thrills, not the money." - Ernie Banks (Chicago Cubs 1953-1971)

    Mr. Cub made it pretty clear. You play the game because you love the game. If you're playing just for the paycheck, then you shouldn't be on the field.

  6. "Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates." - Magic Johnson (1959~)

    Magic Johnson is basically saying that before you ask yourself "what can my team do to help me?", ask yourself "what can i do to help the team improve?". It's kind of like "ask not what can your country do for you but what can you do for your country."

  7. Good start everyone! Keep the good aphorisms coming!!!!

  8. "Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one." - Bob Knight

    He is saying that mental toughness is more important that physical toughness. You have to be strong willed over strong bodied.

  9. "Once you've wrestled, everything else in life is easy.” -Dan Gable
    Gable is saying that it takes a lot not only to be a great wrestler but just to be considered a wrestler. After being pushed so hard in wrestling, doing homework, working, relationships, and everything else that we face on a day to day seems much easier to do.

  10. Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors.--Frank Gifford (1930--), U.S. football player, Sports Illustrated

    Frank Gifford is saying that the game of football is much more than winning and losing, and if you get through the struggles of football you will come out as a better person.

  11. Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.- George Herman Ruth

    Babe Ruth believed that you should not let a fear of failing stop you from achieving what you want. If you don't try, you will never know what could have been.

  12. "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."
    -Vincent T. Lombardi

    Lombardi is talking about true greatness does not come from physical measurables but rather someone's will to be great. Lombardi believed that what seperated the good from the great was simply that will inside of you.

    and now in the complete irony category

    "The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, thats the day you start to the top."
    -O.J. Simpson

    just funny

  13. "It ain't over till it's over."
    -Yogi Berra

    He's saying that no matter what the score is or who you're playing, you always have a chance to win.

  14. "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti

    what he is saying that for racing the only way to know that the car is really fast and to make a ok dricver into a great driver is to drievr the crap out of it and be able to be out of conrtol to get in control. For raicng in general there are those people that take it easy and go slow just to think that they are the best, but the best are those who really "drive" the car and understand how the car acts. Those are the campions!

  15. “How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life. You have to have a dream, a goal, and you have to be willing to work for it.”

    "Don't give up. Don't ever give up."
    -Coach Jimmy Valvano

    What he means is that you should be excited about life, you should be dreaming about life, you should have things you want to accomplish. When you have these dreams, these aspirations, you should pursue them but you got to be willing to work and sacrifice for them. However, if you truly want it, don't let anyone deny you of your goal. I like this quote because it applies to everything, not just life.

  16. "That which does not destroy us makes us stronger."- Friedrich Nietzsche

    I feel like he's basically saying if there's no pain, then there's no gain. You must push yourself through hard times to and painful situations in order to get better.

  17. "I hated every minute of training, but i said 'don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'"
    -Muhammad Ali

    He is saying that hard work sucks but it will pay off in the end

  18. “Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan

    What he is saying is that you will have to go through tough challenges but you cant give up. Even if it seems impossible you have to fight your way through it and find a way.

  19. O

    I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.
    -Shaquille O'neal

    I think this is a nice quote considering what we talked about in class today. This was earlier in his career, I'm not really sure when though. If i was to guess i would say it was after the 95-96 season when he joined the LA Lakers by signing a seven year $121million contract. I doubt he still has the same feelings towards the game but its cool to know there was and maybe is still a genuine love for the game.


Remember, this is for a class, keep your posts school appropriate.

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