Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Disabilities in Sports

At what point should people with disabilities such as missing limbs, mute, visual impaired, hearing impaired, etc... not be allowed to compete with athletes without disabilities? For example the 400m runner without legs from South Africa, a high school football player from the South played defensive tackle in high school but he didn't have any legs, should kids in wheelchairs be able to play little league. Hersey High school has deaf students competing in all the sports offered, should this be allowed or does this risk injury to themselves and others because they can't hear a whistle to stop play?


  1. I was wondering if we could talk to Hersery and see if a deaf student could come to class and tell us how he or she is able to compete in sports like wrestling, track, football, basketball etc... Even though he or she cannot hear... I think this would help with the prejudice some class members have against deaf people

  2. Great question! I'll talk to Dr. Small and see what we can do.

  3. If the people that are disabled, are able to compete in any sport, they should let them compete. The have just as much as a chnace to get hurt as anyone else. You never know if the disable could be better then the non-disabled athletes.

  4. That would be really cool if that kid could come to class and talk to us about that.


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