Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12th -- Cinematic Impact

Considering the impact that sports movies has on sports fans, what has the role of sports-themed movies been on our culture/society? How has Hollywood changed the way sports media cover events (games, athlete features, etc.)? Consider shows like the Sports Reporters, Outside the Lines, and the various radio stations in our area. Also, how have magazines shifted their focus as a result of the visual media and cinema?

The idea here is to write a 2-3 page description of sports coverage and the impact visual media/representation has had on its development. The questions above are meant to direct your disection of this topic. This should be a well-written, developed paper on this topic. Consider the articles we've looked at(read), we've discussed, the movies we watched, and your viewing of sports coverage and media.

*2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins all-around
*Introduction (w/ topic sentence)
*Body Sections (w/examples from the things we've read, what we watched, and what you've seen)
*Conclusion (w/ complete review and wrap-up of topics from the paper)


Fully investigate the impact of visual representations on sports culture.

Use the comment portion of this post to share ideas, questions, and suggestions on this paper! Help each other out! We are a class/team in this endeavor. HELPING EACH OTHER IS OKAY!!!!!


  1. Teschner, you probably said this in class, but is this due tomorrow? My bad for forgeting/not paying close enough attention

  2. Teschner, when I mention a movie in my paper, am I supposed to italicize or underline?

  3. Never voted in class so is this due tomorrow?


Remember, this is for a class, keep your posts school appropriate.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.