Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Your Sports and the Future

Looking at baseball through the eyes of Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) is truly a remarkable thing. Ray is so in love with the game that it is difficult for him to truly love anything else as much...with the exception of maybe his family.

What will your favorite sport look like in 100 years? What will people say about your favorite sport and this time in history? Will it be a revered era in sports or just another 25 year piece of the puzzle? Are you saddened by this era in sports?

Respond on-line for 5 points.


  1. Baseball will change dramatically. First of all, I think there will be a salary cap. Therefore, more stress will be added on the draft. Instant replay will be used for every questionable call. It will be harder for young players to compete at a high level and fewer people will play in high school because of kids specilizing at a younger age and attending year long clinics. I think the game will probably lose alot of it's luster, just as it has in the past 100 years but this current era may be looked down upon as primitive. People may think kids didn't specialize enough and that the lack of instant replay and a salary cap were senseless to leave out.

  2. I think that the level of football will change. The hits will be harder and the players will be faster, the game will be even more exciting. There will be questions about performance enhancing drugs, but the people will be too busy watching the big hits.

  3. Basketball will see a dramatic change, but at the same time still have the same core it always has had. Teams that play defense will still win. But, there will be a different type of big time player. Big men might dominate the court, but guards might continue to get quicker. Either way, as I said before, the teams who are able to play defense will win games.

  4. Specialization started in our generation and it is sad to see talented athelete's only doing one thing where they are good at instead of being good at everything. In a century I think the idea of a sport won't change but hopefully they can make more regulations to keep drugs and violence into the sport. Standards will also be higher due to specialization but with everyone being good, there will be less star athletes, which means less big plays, which also leads into boring games

  5. I meant out of the sport NOT into

  6. Baseball will be a lot different in 100 years. I think when people look back on baseball it wont be as special as it is now. When people look back on sports in 100 years, they will be looking back on football and the NFL and what's happened in today's world compared to then. I believe baseball will still be a popular sport to follow but I think football is the new baseball.

  7. I think baseball will always be baseball. I mean, in the early 1900's, clearly the athletes weren't as prepared as they are today. But the game will grow in proportion to time. Equipment both on and off the field will be more enhanced, and the athletes will have an extra edge. Regardless, baseball has always been America's greatest pastime, and I don't think another 100 years will change that.

  8. I'd have to make the argument that basbeall isn't even America's greastest pastime right now. Football and the NFL are the biggest markets in sports today. Everyone watches the super bowl, while their hasn't been a world serires that consumed a nation in years. There were great series in 2001 and 2002, and a historical one in 2004 but there hasn't been a series in a long time that had the magnitude of the super bowl. The super bowl is a national holiday. Furthermore, more and more kids prefer to play football over baseball.

    I'm not sure which way to go on this because there is still alot of love for baseball. Living in a town with two baseball teams, it almost comes as political affiliation. Even if you don't follow baseball you fall one way or the other, cubs or sox. (or "chicago fan" but thats an even bigger load of crap). When it comes to football in this area you don't see that. Not everyone is a football fan so there is definitly an argument to be made. I just think football is a bigger market that in a 100 years it will reign supreme.

  9. You hear sports anouncers saying that baseball has changed so much since the 1900's, which it has, and it will continue to change every year. In this past year baseball has implemented instant replay, even though it is in limited use. I believe that in 25 or 100 years they will have a computer strike zone and a behind the plate umpire will not be needed.

  10. Every single sport changes in decades, let alone a century. It's all due to one reason, technology. In baseball, it has given us new parks, new bats, etc. This changes how you play the game. I'm not saddened by this era, because I think the technology makes the competition even more fierce.

    I think one thing we're going to start seeing in every sport is more communication between coaches/people in the boxes or up above. I wouldn;t be surprised if helmets will soon have speakers in them with coaches sharing with the players what schemes and plays to run.

  11. Sadly, i think in the future, steroids and other game enhancing drugs will be a huge concern in football, to cope with the rising competition level. People will be less interested in watching it, knowing any given player could be cheating. It will be a depressing era. I agree with Ethan in that technology is making the competition too great and intern killing sports.

  12. MMA will have thicker gloves, thicker mouth pieces to prevent as many knock-outs and pads on their feet. Also, doctors will stop fights earlier to prevent future long term injuries. This era will be seen as barbaric but group breaking in giving the sport a solid base to sport from. Silva, Lindel, Coreture will be mma's babe ruth and joe dimagio

  13. I think the idea of having sports with the average person being able to compete will be gone. Things will start happening like in the old Soviet union and China where athletes are just taken out of their homes at a young age and trained to be athletes. the only difference is that this will be from the parents choice. This already happens somewhat in tennis and I think it will go across all sports so the ideas of who becomes athletes will drastically change and their is a good chance that sports will not be the same.

  14. I believe that in the next 100 years football will be a whole new thing. Pads willbe extremly protective and the size of players will be incredible. Sterioids will make a major comeback and people will be flying thier own personal aircrafts to the games. Steriods no longer will affect how people act but just make them huge

  15. i think baseball will change dramatically. i think that every one will be on steroids and no one will care because every player is on them. also they will get so much money that they can retire after one year of playing. if this ever happens it will be a very sad time for baseball.

  16. i think that football willl change alot. I can see them taking performance enhancing drugs to make it more enetertaining, the hits harder, throws farther, jumps higher, and catches more unrealistic. I can see the level of competition changing as technology progresses


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