Monday, March 30, 2009

Sports that Inspire

Which sport, of any that we've talked about, has the athletes that are the most interested in playing for the love of the game? Which athletes, today, are the ones that seem to actually care about the game?


  1. Every sport is flawed. I'd love to say that baseball has the atheltes most interested in playing for the love of the game, but just like any other sport, there's a large handful of athletes who are playing for the paycheck.

  2. I'm going with my sport, wrestling, hands-down. Wrestlers work so hard to suceed and there isn't a huge paycheck at the end of the tunnel like other sports, even if you're amazing you might get half of your college paid for, and a select few are good enough to wrestle internationally and even they aren't making anymore than the average man.

  3. College sports, espically football and basketball. A good example would be Levance Fields reaction after the Pitt/Villinova Elite Eight game. I think pro athletes that represent the love of the game are often the ones that are loved and hated by different fans. When I say that, I am considering guys like Carlos Zambrano, A.J. Pierzynski, Tom Brady, Brett Favre (why else would he keep coming back?), Kurt Warner, Kevin Garnett, Adam Morrison and even Joakim Noah, as much as he is disliked.

    Baseball is a sport that lacks alot of passion in my opinoin. That may be a result from the lack of a salary cap and the inflated contracts. I think one of the reasons I love Carlos Zambrano is that the guy wears his heart on his sleeve all the time.

    Guys I can't stand because I don't belive they are in it for the love of the game are Manny Ramirez, Eli Manning, Terrell Owens, Chad Ocho Cinco, and Brandon Jennings to name a few.

  4. Guys who care about the game:
    I'd have to say a guy like Mark DeRosa. He wants to win and you can tell. He's willing to sacrifice for it.

    I don't think any sport is totally all about love. But, in sports where guys don't make as much as the superstars, them playing for a paycheck to support their family will probably get them to play as hard as they would if it were just for the love of the game.

  5. I thnk that there's more people that play for the love of the sport when they are younger because when we were young we didn'tnreally think about college scholarships and being scouted and all that.


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