Friday, March 13, 2009

I just saw the greatest high school basketball game

I traveled up to Waukegan High School tonight for the craziest sectional final I've ever seen.

Game was completely back and forth during the entire game with crazy runs and shots both ways. Warren had the ball with 8 seconds left and were coming out of a timeout down 2. Illinois recruit Brandon Paul was fouled and went to the line and swished all three free throws to give Warren the one point lead with 4 seconds left. Waukegan than quickly got down the floor and with about 2 seconds left, Jereme Richmond (of being ejected but getting out of the suspsension fame), spotted up from just inside of half court (I couldn't believe he had settled for that shot) and knocked down the shot to give Waukegan the 71-69 victory. 

Richmond finished with 31 while Paul finished with 27 in an absolutely fantastic dual of superstars. Warren was actauly up 15 after the first quarter but waukegan stormed back with an incredible second quarter and was up about 6 or 8 going into half. Waukegan was up by as many as about 9 in the third when Paul took over and hit a bunch of shots including a couple of threes with guys right in his face to bring Warren back and give them the lead midway through the 4th. Just an incredible game all around even before the ending.

Absolutely crazy game in an incredible atmoshphere. Waukegan's gym serioulsy feels straight out of Hoosiers and was completley standing room only about 45 minutes prior to gametime. All through the town there were banners saying "Go Bulldogs" which made it pretty cool. So loud as both schools are from the north shore and Waukegan's community really gets behind their team. Never been in a place that was as loud as it was at certain points during the game, really a special place. I could seriously not imagine any place that could be as good as that one. The game had tremendous amount of hype and sold out a day before and the game clearly lived up completely to the hype. Just an insane place to be.

1 comment:

  1. From what both the Herald and Tribune said, that games was the best game in IHSA history. It wasn't necessarily phrased like that, but it could have been. We'll have to talk about hat a bit on Monday.


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