Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jack Kerouac -- Vanity of the Gridiron

Directions: Answer the following questions on a seperate piece of paper in at least 5 sentences per response. Each response is worth 5 points.

1) The Dracut Tigers Field, as described by John L. Duluoz, was quite the place to be for sandlot football games. Describe a place that has a similar feel for you. Be sure to dramatize the place and bring it to life with descriptions similar to those used by Kerouac in the story.

"So here comes this mob of carefree men and boys too, even girls and quite a few mothers, hiking a mile across the meadow of Dracut Tigers Field just to see their boys play football in an up-and-down uneven field with no goalposts, measured off for a hundred yards more or less by a pine tree on one end and a peg on the other."

2) Using words directly from the text, describe the football games played at the 'sandlot'. What were the games like? What role does Duluoz play in the game?

3) Using the quote below and others from the text, explain the meaning of the title.

"For instance at one point, after throwing a block for Biff Quinlan, I look up from the ground and see his big feet plowing onward about 20 yards with his head down, over the goal line, knocking kids aside in every direction. And a few plays later, to show off to my father and remind him again, some poor Garden City kid is waltzing around his left end precisely as Halmalo had done, but he a stranger in this case, I pull the same trick, come up full speed, low, get inside his interference and hit him head on in a legitimate and clean tackle at the knees that knocks him back ten feet. Off the field on a stretcher.

Now I begin to feel bad about football and war. And showing off. But after the game (HM 27, Garden City 0) my father is beaming and all delighted. "Come on Jacky me boy, we're going out and hit the town tonight." So we go down to Jack Delaney's steak restaurant on Sheridan Square, myself little knowing how much time I was destined to spend around that Square, in Greenwich Village, in darker years, but tenderer years, to come."

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sports that Inspire

Which sport, of any that we've talked about, has the athletes that are the most interested in playing for the love of the game? Which athletes, today, are the ones that seem to actually care about the game?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NCAA Yahoo! Pool

We'll figure out some type of a prize in class, but for now, let's just say it's for pride! For most of you in this class, PRIDE is enough to make this a pretty good time!

Go to Yahoo!
Create a Username and Password (if you don't have one)
Go to Fantasy Sports
Join the NCAA Bracket Pick-em
Our Group ID# is 147584
Our Password is vikings

Get in soon! Let's see who can get it done!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday Recap and Monday Activities

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. I've been amazed by a few sports things this weekend, we'll talk about them on Monday,but I felt like my weekend had a great start because of class on Friday. I hope you enjoyed the coaches panel as much as I did. Some have said they'd like to do it again, I'm all for that. I'd like to invite some different coaches, but I'd like to have Ms. Larson, Mrs. Vlaming, and Mr. Hinojosa back again.

Anyhow, I wanted to solicit some information from you before class on Monday.

Here's what I am asking (simply comment below):

1) If we had a coaches panel again, what topics would you like to see addressed and by whom (which coaches)?

2) What one sporting event makes your 'weekends' worth it? I'm talking about all weekends, all year, no matter what the event is.

3) Something to think about: Who is the greatest athlete in Illinois history? They can be native "Illinoisans" or just athletes from Illinois teams. This may take a bit of searching on your part, but that's okay, do what you can.

See you tomorrow!!!!

By the way, 5 points of extra credit to whomever goes to a Fremd Sporting Event this week. You must stay for the entire event, and you must actually have a coach sign an attendance verification form. We can talk about this tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you know so that you may plan accordingly.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I just saw the greatest high school basketball game

I traveled up to Waukegan High School tonight for the craziest sectional final I've ever seen.

Game was completely back and forth during the entire game with crazy runs and shots both ways. Warren had the ball with 8 seconds left and were coming out of a timeout down 2. Illinois recruit Brandon Paul was fouled and went to the line and swished all three free throws to give Warren the one point lead with 4 seconds left. Waukegan than quickly got down the floor and with about 2 seconds left, Jereme Richmond (of being ejected but getting out of the suspsension fame), spotted up from just inside of half court (I couldn't believe he had settled for that shot) and knocked down the shot to give Waukegan the 71-69 victory. 

Richmond finished with 31 while Paul finished with 27 in an absolutely fantastic dual of superstars. Warren was actauly up 15 after the first quarter but waukegan stormed back with an incredible second quarter and was up about 6 or 8 going into half. Waukegan was up by as many as about 9 in the third when Paul took over and hit a bunch of shots including a couple of threes with guys right in his face to bring Warren back and give them the lead midway through the 4th. Just an incredible game all around even before the ending.

Absolutely crazy game in an incredible atmoshphere. Waukegan's gym serioulsy feels straight out of Hoosiers and was completley standing room only about 45 minutes prior to gametime. All through the town there were banners saying "Go Bulldogs" which made it pretty cool. So loud as both schools are from the north shore and Waukegan's community really gets behind their team. Never been in a place that was as loud as it was at certain points during the game, really a special place. I could seriously not imagine any place that could be as good as that one. The game had tremendous amount of hype and sold out a day before and the game clearly lived up completely to the hype. Just an insane place to be.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sports Panel Discussion Questions

Wow, I didn't think the Vick discussion would have that kind of life today -- not bad! I still think he's got some atoning to do before he should be allowed to re-enter society. Then again, I think the entire penal system is a joke!

Anyhow, tomorrow is our coaches panel discussion. You need to create at least 2 questions for the panel tomorrow. Questions should be non-specific (no questioning of coaches decisions, Fremd specific questions, etc.).

Your questions should focus on the following:
  • Sports Culture (sport specific)
  • The Changing Sports Landscape (how have athletes changed over the years, the sports they play, etc.)
  • How has the role of the coach changed?
  • How has the role of society changed?
  • What impact has the media had on sports?
  • Favorite Players and Coaches? Why?

Bring in at least 2 questions for the coaches on a piece of paper. Be aware that they are to be treated with the utmost respect. I will NOT hesitate to send you to your administrator if you are out of line.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Breaking News Richmond allowed to play wednesday


Again, just because he is a superstar this happened. Dad got all the Illini bloggers to email the IHSA. If it had been anyone else there's no way this is overturned. What does this really say about high school athletics? Apparantely it is now professional sports where you can appeal every call. What kind of precedent does this set from now on in IHSA? Thoughts?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sports and Politics - Issues Within

Here are your homework assignments for this weekend. These are due on Monday, March 9th (this Monday). These assignments should take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Start them today and you'll be done by the time you'd like to go out with your friends tonight.
These are worth 25 points each. Remember that you only have to do one project (obviously the one your team earned).

Please take note of the fact that the word supported in Projects 2 and 3 is bolded and italicized. This means that you need to find alternate sources to aid your completion of the paper. I don't need a work cited page, but please bring me in the title of your source (website, book, encyclopedia, etc.).

Only post questions about the assignment.

List three examples of issues in high school sports. It can deal with anything from the games they play or how they impact the lives of high school athletes (think grades, social lives, health, etc.). Write 5-7 sentences for each example. Actually find information to support your responses.

In a one page supported paper, describe the impact of desegregation on sports during the 1900s. What issues were brought about because of desegregation? What major hurdles did the first non-Caucasian athletes have to deal with? What has desegregation done for sports? Are sports truly color blind? Why or why not? Combine all of these questions into a well-written response.

In a one page supported paper, define what Title IX is, how it has impacted sports, and what your opinion on Title IX is. Many people regard Title IX as a major piece of legislation that has positively impacted sports. Others believe that Title IX has negatively impacted sports by removing opportunities for male athletes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sports - Definition and Impact

Interesting discussion today, but I was left wondering what truly constitutes a sport. The confusing aspect of the definition of sports is whether or not something that is a competition and requires some athletic skill is truly a sport (cheerleading, car racing, horse racing, bowling, etc).

My gut is to say NO, but there are arguments to be made.

With that said, post a response reflecting on what OUR SOCIETY believes to be sport. Consider all aspects. Also, how can sports change our society? Explain the impact.

Comment at least twice (2x): One with your thoughts and one that responds to the comment of another.

This is worth 5 points.

An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.

Athletic (adjective)
1. physically active and strong; good at athletics or sports: an athletic child.
2. of, like, or befitting an athlete.
3. of or pertaining to athletes; involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina: athletic sports; athletic training.

Athlete (noun)
A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.