Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do you change?

After watching the Ping Pong Tournament over the past 2 days, congrats again Horn, did you recognize any major changes in yourself when it came to the competition? Are you more or less competitive than the other students in the class? What do you notice about yourself when you compete in anything? Are you a good competitor? Or bad? Be honest!

Worth 5 Points Post Below


  1. As a competitive person, I definitely change when I start to do anything competitive. Though I have a loud personality, when I start competing, I continue my lively personality, but more intense. As you might have seen today, I get mad very easily and my language becomes much more vulgar.

  2. When I play, for the moment, I'm able to put everything else out of my mind. I'm focused and determined to win, and that's what champions are made of.

  3. I am a competitive person and I am a completely different person when I compete whether I am more quiet and focused or loud, I am a different person when I compete.

  4. I think like we stated earlier in class that naturally I'm a pretty relaxed person, but once the game starts I take a 180 mood change. I think I'm a really competitive person expecially when the sport means alot to me.

  5. I found my self that I would act a little different. It's hard to tell what I was like. I would take a lose with respeced that my opponent was better than me. I would remember the lose and work off that. I would try to remember what I did worng and improve on it. The competetion in class was much fun and it world be awsome if we do it again. I juts have to have another chance to win the championship. Congrates angin on the victory Horn.

  6. I am very competitive but I feel like I was able to contain myself. When I play ping pong with my friends and lose, I'm usually much more demonstrative but I obviously held most of that in in class (although I did mutter some expletives). When I play basketball my competive nature always gets the best of me. I remeber the best games I had in junior high were always when the adrenline would take over, and I would just react instead of think. That's when my competiveness played to my advantage. But at the same time there were multiple times were I had been T'ed up for letting my competive emotions get the best of me. I'm just a completly different person when I'm 100% in a competitive zone.

  7. I am a little different, when things get serious, i get quiet and concentrated, In my sport if you get too fired up, you could get hurt easily. it takes composure and concentration to win and i have learned how to successfully develop those qualities. I only get fired up after i win, not before. I try to stay humble as possible. I think my way of competing is one of the reasons i am where i am in my sport and i couldn't be happier.

  8. Generally speaking, Im a very laid back person, but I tend to get very competitive when it comes to sports. I just like to have fun while playing and I think being competitive is the best way to do it. I don't get too intense and play dirty. I'm very calm and collected. Zoned in.

  9. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to play ping pong with you guys because I was absent yesterday for an AP test. But generally speaking, I am a competitive person. I go with the "do the best you can" mentality, so if I am not successful at what I wanted to do, I can't fault myself too much. I usually take losses pretty calmly; it already happened and there's nothing more I can do, so I just get over it and make best with what I have.

    When Teschner was talking in class today about being a different person on the court than off, I think he had a good point. I think it's a comfort level. From my own perspective, I'm a whole lot more vocal when I'm in band, drumline marching band, etc. During class I'm usually pretty chill. I think the same can be said for competitiveness. You'll respond differently when in different situations.

  10. I think everyone changes when they play sports, maybe not so much during a class ping pong torney but in the sport you play you can turn into a totally different person. I like to think that am a pretty laid back person dont get to excited about anything, but when am playing soccer I can turn into a totally different person. When the game is intence i get just as intence. Everyone reacts to sports differently but someone on the field can be totally different off the field.

  11. To be honest in a ping pong tournament, I wouldn't say I'm as competitve as I am during a sport that I know I'm good at or I know how to play. When it comes to a game that I don't have much interest I'm not as competitve. The only time I get real competitve is if I'm in a bad mood and the person I'm playing is making me angry.

  12. PS- Busse and I are sitting in math and he wants me to say that he did not change his competitivness at all. And the only time he's competitive is when he plays NHL 09.

  13. It depends on what i am competing in, who i am facing, and what the atmosphere is like. For the ping pong tourney, i wanted to win but it was not a big deal to me. i know im not good so i wasnt too worried about it. when we played football earlier this year, however, i was getting real competitive. Even after we lost, i was genuinely upset, partly because we lost and partly because the team we faced had some questionable plays. Also, if im playing basketball with old guys at the Y, ill be quiet and respectful, not yelling or anything. If i play anything with friends, ill talk a lot of smack and make fun of them and stuff. Also, when i play video games, sometimes you want to win. sometimes you could really care less.

  14. I wasn't there for the competition but i know how it's like to be competing. I get an adrelaline rush adn focus harder on my competition and their moves. I tend to analize patterns and try to startegize.

  15. I may not be as agressive as others but I love to win. Losing in anything doesn't really feel all that good

  16. I run my mouth when I'm not competing, but when i compete i shut my mouth and focus except when i taunted bussey after winning. However, I pick up my agression and my focus when i compete. No matter the playing field i am usually just going through the motions or i shut my mouth and play.

  17. I am always a very competitive person at anything. Most people can't tell if I am really pumped up to play because I don't show show a ton of emotion. I usually just let my play do the talking even though I do enjoy trash talking

  18. I guess i am a competitive person when it comes to something i enjoy. I really don't like showing my emotions though because it gives away what I'm thinking to the other team/person. I wouldn't say h'm the most competitive, but I'm not the type of person that wouldn't be excited to play sports during a class.


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